A Certified CoachĀ & Professional SpeakerĀ on each island!

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PCOMA's relentless efforts are not just about placing a certified coach and professional speaker on each island in the Maldives. It's about fostering serenity, resilience, and greatness, envisioning a future where every individual is empowered.

Our founder, Dewdrop Shaheena, embarked on this audacious mission in 2010 when its achievement seemed insurmountable. As a single mother raising two boys, she keenly felt the societal fabric unravelling. The challenges were immense, but her determination and resilience were unwavering. She clung to her belief and relentlessly pursued her dream, a testament to her indomitable spirit.

She embarked on a life-skills trainer program in 2011, hoping it would be a stepping stone. However, after a 15-day program, the trainer failed to provide the certificate. When she tried to do sessions in schools, her requests were denied because she didn't have the certificate. These setbacks were significant, but they did not deter her. She decided she would never step foot in any school without a certificate, a clear proof that she would never give up in the face of adversity.

With limited resources on a small island south of Maldives, Dewdrop Shaheena believed her studies should continue until she achieved her dream. After years of dreaming of becoming a chartered accountant, partially completing ACCA, and graduating with a Master of Business Administration, she made a life-altering decision. In 2018, she left her twenty-year-old career in finance to fully devote herself to her passion for people development and become a coach, a testament to her unwavering belief in the dream and the mission of PCOMA.

In May 2019, Dewdrop Shaheena achieved her first coaching certification: Certified Professional Coach. Today, she stands tall in the industry, holding multiple coaching certificates, including the renowned certifications of John Maxwell and Marshall Goldsmith. She further established her credibility and talent by becoming a certified facilitator and NLP therapist. She has achieved a yellow belt in mental fitness. She confidently works with professionals at all levels, demonstrating her dedication and the potential of PCOMA's mission to champion a culture of coaching and public speaking.

As she completed multiple coaching certificates, she was more disheartened to learn that having a certified coach on each island is impossible due to the high cost of coaching certification. She tried to bring a coach trainer from abroad, but PCOMA could not cover the fees, and most people could not afford it.

As necessity is the mother of invention, Dewdrop Shaheena designed and launched the first coaching certification in the Maldives: Dewdrop Leadership Certified Coach. In 2023, fifteen students graduated from the program, and currently, another fourteen are preparing for graduation. Each year, five students are offered the program freely to support the mission of PCOMA, proof of Dewdrop Shaheena's innovative approach and the organization's potential.

Although Dewdrop Shaheena was slapped with a NO in 2011, today, we proudly run the first teen coaching certification program in the Maldives: Dewdrop Teen Coach.Ā Thirty teenagers from Muhyiddin School are doing the pilot project to become certified teen coaches. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the school Principal, Ms. Nazima Ali Manik, for believing in our cause and agreeing to run the pilot project. Graduates of DLCC splendidly facilitate this program.

To scale up PCOMA, we are embarking on a mission to train 20 coaches and speakers in 2024. Expanding our team will allow us to reach more communities and individuals, spreading the benefits of personal development, coaching, and empowerment initiatives across the Maldives.

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